BikeRace Ottawa presents the 50th year of THE PRESTON STREET
Sponsored by Winspace and Ontario Cycling, Little Italy, Ottawa, ON
- 9:00 am - Fixie, PDF
- 9:30 am - Fixie Elite, PDF
- 10:00 am - Cat C+D + Quebec S1+M45, PDF updated laps 2024-7-04
- 11:00 am - Cat B + Junior + Quebec S2/M35+, PDF
- 12:00 pm - Women, PDF
- 1:15 pm - U6 - not timed
- 1:30 pm - U7 - not timed
- 1:45 pm - U9, PDF
- 2:05 pm - U11, PDF Just Finish
- 2:45 pm - U13, PDF
- 3:05 pm - U15, PDF, Just the Finish
- 3:45 pm - U17, PDF
- 5:00 pm - All 63 laps Cat A + Quebec S1 PDF, Just the Finish